Statistics & Research about Keego Harbor,MI - Peoples Underwriters Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Keego Harbor,MI an area served by Peoples Underwriters Inc

1717 Cass Lake Rd Keego Harbor
Keego Harbor,MI
Phone : (248) 464-6099

Real estate research for area nearby Peoples Underwriters Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Grand Blanc charter 145,000 712 5.9
Hazel Park 63,100 855 16.3
New Haven 116,700 849 8.7
Fenton charter 184,600 799 5.2
Highland Park 54,100 567 12.6
White Lake charter 176,100 943 6.4
Metamora 192,400 945 5.9
Leonard 139,200 1580 13.6
Commerce charter 194,800 1264 7.8
Lenox 138,000 853 7.4

Number of whites in places near by Peoples Underwriters Inc

Place name Number of whites
Grand Blanc charter 29845
Hazel Park 13757
New Haven 3352
Fenton charter 14874
Highland Park 915
White Lake charter 28492
Metamora 4168
Leonard 405
Commerce charter 37725
Lenox 8476
Farmington 7370
Center Line 6923
Livingston County 175601
Dryden 4755
Fenton 11152

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Peoples Underwriters Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Grand Blanc charter 124000
Hazel Park 90000
New Haven 93200
Fenton charter 162400
Highland Park 57400
White Lake charter 141300
Metamora 170600
Leonard 93300
Commerce charter 170800
Lenox 156000
Farmington 151800
Center Line 81100
Livingston County 171100
Dryden 119200
Fenton 118400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Peoples Underwriters Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Grand Blanc charter 5950
Hazel Park 3308
New Haven 702
Fenton charter 3554
Highland Park 2031
White Lake charter 6698
Metamora 894
Leonard 90
Commerce charter 7571
Lenox 2113
Farmington 1611
Center Line 1659
Livingston County 35908
Dryden 1225
Fenton 2011

Number of blacks in places near by Peoples Underwriters Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Grand Blanc charter 4472
Hazel Park 1496
New Haven 1024
Fenton charter 1
Highland Park 10818
White Lake charter 685
Leonard 6
Commerce charter 621
Lenox 1428
Farmington 1145
Center Line 1035
Livingston County 772
Fenton 74