Statistics & Research about Mount Clemens,MI - Metro One Insurance Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Mount Clemens,MI an area served by Metro One Insurance Agency Llc

Phone : 248-824-6176

Car dealers nearby Metro One Insurance Agency Llc

Better Car Deal

Mount Clemens,MI
Phone: 586-307-8433

Real estate research for area nearby Metro One Insurance Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wales 141,700 629 5.3
Oxford 132,700 624 5.6
Utica 128,400 709 6.6
Oak Park 96,600 1034 12.8
Ecorse 59,900 768 15.4
Riley 181,700 842 5.6
Columbus 145,600 826 6.8
Village of Clarkston 226,200 803 4.3
Lenox 138,000 853 7.4
Sterling Heights 153,600 850 6.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Metro One Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Wales 161
Oxford 232
Utica 763
Oak Park 3450
Ecorse 1681
Riley 130
Columbus 228
Village of Clarkston 96
Lenox 382
Sterling Heights 11584
Algonac 506
Birmingham 2553
Grosse Pointe Farms 339
Ray 126
Ira 561

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Metro One Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Wales 226
Oxford 285
Utica 173
Oak Park 1083
Ecorse 276
Riley 169
Columbus 330
Village of Clarkston 118
Lenox 687
Sterling Heights 8722
Algonac 305
Birmingham 2207
Grosse Pointe Farms 1111
Ray 256
Ira 161

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Metro One Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Wales 6
Oxford 76
Utica 25
Oak Park 234
Ecorse 52
Riley 30
Columbus 60
Village of Clarkston 15
Lenox 92
Sterling Heights 634
Algonac 17
Birmingham 492
Grosse Pointe Farms 477
Ray 23
Ira 108

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Metro One Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Wales 162300
Oxford 155000
Utica 118000
Oak Park 117700
Ecorse 48000
Riley 200000
Columbus 250600
Lenox 128400
Sterling Heights 176400
Algonac 173400
Birmingham 644900
Grosse Pointe Farms 455900
Ray 269000
Ira 190600