Statistics & Research about Taylor,MI - Douglas K Smith Marine Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Taylor,MI an area served by Douglas K Smith Marine Insurance Services Inc

21134 Ecorse Rd
Phone : (313) 724-6330

Car dealers nearby Douglas K Smith Marine Insurance Services Inc

Taylor Ford

Phone: (313) 291-0300

Real estate research for area nearby Douglas K Smith Marine Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Woodland Beach 108,300 791 8.8
La Salle 160,300 765 5.7
Grosse Pointe Woods 205,400 1153 6.7
Commerce charter 194,800 1264 7.8
Canton charter 197,700 962 5.8
Bloomfield charter 346,900 989 3.4
Detroit Beach 99,700 867 10.4
Barton Hills 830400 NA NA
Van Buren charter 135,800 823 7.3
Madison Heights 96,600 737 9.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Douglas K Smith Marine Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Woodland Beach 292
La Salle 371
Grosse Pointe Woods 745
Commerce charter 2905
Canton charter 7864
Bloomfield charter 2509
Detroit Beach 410
Barton Hills 10
Van Buren charter 3961
Madison Heights 3456
Southfield 11452
Oak Park 3450
Milan 725
Lyon charter 812
Ferndale 3380

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Douglas K Smith Marine Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Woodland Beach 17
La Salle 28
Grosse Pointe Woods 110
Commerce charter 319
Canton charter 1919
Bloomfield charter 782
Van Buren charter 1522
Madison Heights 2355
Southfield 6344
Oak Park 863
Milan 100
Lyon charter 416
Ferndale 1219

Number of new houses in places near by Douglas K Smith Marine Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Commerce charter 183000
Bloomfield charter 1000001
Barton Hills 1000001
Lyon charter 288600

Number of blacks in places near by Douglas K Smith Marine Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Woodland Beach 23
La Salle 6
Grosse Pointe Woods 690
Commerce charter 621
Canton charter 8046
Bloomfield charter 3248
Detroit Beach 10
Barton Hills 6
Van Buren charter 7436
Madison Heights 1884
Southfield 49510
Oak Park 16575
Milan 26
Lyon charter 196
Ferndale 2180