Statistics & Research about Livonia,MI - Consolidated Underwriting Alliance Ltd

Here are some statistics & research about Livonia,MI an area served by Consolidated Underwriting Alliance Ltd

Phone : (734) 402-2430

Car dealers nearby Consolidated Underwriting Alliance Ltd

Ralph Thayer Volkswagen Livonia

Ralph Thayer Volkswagen Livonia 34501 Plymouth Road Livonia, MI 48150
Phone: Phone: (866) 308-5129

Tennyson Chevrolet


Livonia Mitsubishi

Livonia Mitsubishi 30777 Plymouth RoadLivonia, MI 48150
Phone: (734) 525-5000

Real estate research for area nearby Consolidated Underwriting Alliance Ltd

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Maybee 169,900 794 5.6
Royal Oak 159,800 846 6.4
Dearborn Heights 96,300 987 12.3
Lathrup Village 158,400 1469 11.1
Lake Orion 169,000 677 4.8
Salem 219,700 956 5.2
Wolverine Lake 165,800 747 5.4
Milan 133,900 848 7.6
Madison Heights 96,600 737 9.2
Independence charter 190,500 890 5.6

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Consolidated Underwriting Alliance Ltd

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Maybee 233300
Royal Oak 280200
Dearborn Heights 122700
Lake Orion 122200
Salem 79800
Wolverine Lake 159200
Milan 150900
Madison Heights 87100
Independence charter 315600
Troy 298900
Bloomfield Hills 1000001
Auburn Hills 163400
Rockwood 208800
Southfield 153900

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Consolidated Underwriting Alliance Ltd

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Maybee 19
Royal Oak 406
Dearborn Heights 277
Lathrup Village 190
Lake Orion 37
Salem 138
Wolverine Lake 42
Milan 70
Madison Heights 99
Independence charter 580
Troy 1070
Bloomfield Hills 397
Auburn Hills 96
Rockwood 46
Southfield 915

Number of blacks in places near by Consolidated Underwriting Alliance Ltd

Place name Number of blacks
Maybee 1
Royal Oak 1621
Dearborn Heights 5281
Lathrup Village 1855
Lake Orion 10
Salem 159
Milan 26
Madison Heights 1884
Independence charter 603
Troy 2885
Bloomfield Hills 91
Auburn Hills 3162
Rockwood 30
Southfield 49510

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Consolidated Underwriting Alliance Ltd

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Maybee 66
Royal Oak 2569
Dearborn Heights 2491
Lathrup Village 438
Lake Orion 250
Salem 493
Wolverine Lake 347
Milan 442
Madison Heights 1259
Independence charter 3640
Troy 11290
Bloomfield Hills 530
Auburn Hills 890
Rockwood 182
Southfield 5527